Identify your property type
A residential unit inside a multi-level block of predominantly residential units where entrances are usually common. A unit typically share one or more walls. A residential unit can be one or more storeys. A residential unit in a house converted into a block of residential units is included in this category.
Semi-Detached or Terrace
This category includes the following residential types:
Semi-detached – residential building that shares one wall with a neighbouring residential building.
Terrace – residential building that shares walls with neighbouring residential buildings on at least one side. They are typically two or more storeys and include front and rear gardens or courtyards.
Duplex – two residential buildings under one roof with one shared wall with a neighbouring residential building. The residential buildings can be beside each other or upper and lower levels.
Townhouse/Villa – a residential building within a complex of three or more residential buildings, that may or may not be attached to other residential buildings in the complex. Owners own their residential building but share ownership of the land and common property with other owners in the complex.
Freestanding House
Freestanding residential building that is separate from any other buildings. It can include a granny flat within the boundaries of the property.
Block of Apartments
A multi-level block of predominantly residential units where entrances are usually common and units typically share one or more walls. A house converted into a block of residential units is included in this category.
Commercial or Mixed Use
This category includes the following types:
Commercial – building that is used for commercial/business activities.
Mixed Use – building that is used for both residential and commercial/business activities (activities may include hair/nail salon, cafe, office, shop, etc.)
Vacant Land
Land that has no buildings on it.